Compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac
Compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac

compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac

the default is FALSE – all unique values, TRUE = values that occur once.įALSE gives a list of all the values in the list, no matter how many times each name/value appears (left). TRUE means a horizontal array working across (the range has different letters B2:F2). The default is FALSE for row by column = TRUE.Ĭlarification: the FALSE default means looking down a column which is usual (i.e the range has the same Column reference but different rows B2:B23). The documentation talks about an ‘array’, in this contest any range or table reference is enough/ by_column

compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac

=IFERROR(INDEX(, MATCH(0,COUNTIF(:,, , ) Range You should not have to worry about compatibility as long as Excel supports array formulas (which have been around for many years) It’s complicated but widely supported across Excel releases and past versions. There’s a complex array formula that was made in the dim, dark past of Excel and passed down from developer to developer. The auto generated unique list always shows all unique names, including spelling mistakes. Or maybe there’s a new (and very popular) dwarf added without changing a single formula (right).Īutomatic unique lists also quickly show data errors in the source list, like spelling mistakes:Ī manually typed list (looking for a hardcoded ‘Bashful’) would ignore the misspelled item, making the totals and summaries incorrect. Let’s say one of the seven dwarves has gone walkabout, the new list of values removes ‘Doc’ automatically (left). See the bottom rows of the examples below.

Compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac update#

If the list of stores, regions etc change an automatic list of unique values will update automatically. There are two main reasons why it’s better to produce unique lists from the original data. After all, the question goes, “We know the list of departments, regions etc”, just type them in and move on. Why bother?Ī surprising question about making a unique list is why it’s even necessary. Here I need to compare Column A with Column E and put the corresponding of column B values(If. There is a ‘unique’ option but it’s a ‘one off’ action that doesn’t refresh. I have two datas: Company Data and EPC Data respectively.

compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac

We’re talking here about making a list of unique (non-duplicate) values which update automatically if the source list changes. The best option is a lot easier but not yet available to everyone. One is headspinningly hard and one has some minor quibbles. Making a list of unique or not duplicated names from a longer Excel list with duplicates is possible in three ways that update automatically. Thanks for joining us! You'll get a welcome message in a few moments.

Compare two columns in excel 2011 for duplicates mac